Description: Six drainages named First Water, Second Water, etc. pour down the mountain from the Sheep Creek road (17 miles up Spanish Fork Canyon) and #3-6 all run into #2 before emptying into Diamond Fork. The trail winds up a gentle canyon under tree canopy most of the time and alongside a small creek.
Distance: 5.5 miles (to Sheep Creek Road)
Elevation gain: 1710' (to Sheep Creek Road)
Steepness: Mild
Directions: From below, drive about 10 miles up Diamond Fork (5+ miles up Spanish Fork Canyon, then turn left/north) to a parking lot (on the right) shared with the popular Fifth Water (Diamond Fork hotpots trail). Pass through the gate next to the rest room, then immediately go through another gate (close it behind you) and over a bridge.
From above, drive several miles along the Sheep Creek Road (17 miles up Spanish Fork Canyon, then turn left/north, or from Springville Crossing up Diamond Fork on a gravel road most of the way). Watch for signs on both sides of the road as you pass the wide ravine. You can also start down the next drainage to the south on a dirt road for a couple hundred yards.
Amenities: Pit toilets at the lower end
Notable Features: Sometimes the trail slopes down to cliffs falling as much as 30' straight down to the creek below.
Fees: None
When to go: any time
Mountains, lakes and other features accessed: Fifth, Fourth and Third Water
Connecting & cross trails: Jeremy or something, about half way up. The sign post remains but the sign is missing.
Hobble creek single track